Nikki Travel Log?

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As you can see, I am working hard not only trying to help make the world a little better, but also getting myself back on track.  It has been a rough but adventurous 5 years, and an idea came to mind on how I could profit from them.

Since I travel to places where others fear to tread, I think it would be beneficial…and fun…to write about my journeys.  The information I can provide would help you…my wonderful fans…explore places off the beaten path…and I will help you do so safely.

I will keep you posted on my progress.  Feminization and book sales may (barely) pay the bills, but I need more stability in order to continue doing my charity work.  This might be the answer.

PS:  For those who are not familiar with the term, “feminization” is the process of helping gender-questioning men find their female self.  This is a complicated endeavor requiring months…if not years…of appearance, mannerisms, voice, and self-esteem guidance.


Add a comment May 3, 2018

First Mission in the Western Hemisphere!

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As you know, I am deeply involved in helping children in impoverished countries – typically ones at war.  This month I am launching my first mission in the western hemisphere.  I figured it was time to bring the fight closer to home.

The problem is that any time I change mission areas there is a period of panic among my supporters resulting in the lack of adequate funding.  My goal is to be in-country either towards the end of May or the beginning of June (it was supposed to be mid-April but clearly that didn’t happen).

If you are interested in supporting my work with orphaned children I will gladly accept any donations.  Even small ones still help (send funds to my Paypal account:  I thank you again for always being my loyal fans!  More new photos to come, by the way!!!

Add a comment May 2, 2018

Not Always Me

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The more I get back to being myself the more I am realizing how much chaos my absence created.  I have found that…on numerous occasions…my name and/or image was used to place ads for various services and build false identities on social media.  Weird and annoying, right?!  The part I could never understand is what these people are thinking will happen when they agree to meet someone.  There is only one Nikki Tanikawa! 😀

If you happen to see an ad or page which features my image please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Generally speaking I don’t care, but I like to know just in case something weird happens.  And definitely DO NOT respond to an ad which claims to be me – it most certainly isn’t  (I DO have a sanctioned fan page created by an awesome friend and occasionally advertise for feminization consultation services – these are the exceptions).

PS:  I know for sure that the above image was used to create an unauthorized account using my name.



Add a comment May 2, 2018

My Girl

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As you all know…in painfully recalled detail…that I was once married to a wonderful girl who I lost to schizophrenia.  She is still around…just not the person I had first met.  I can happily say that this dark era ended last year when I met my new girl, who is also my photographer!!!  She is a very private person so I will not say much about her, but can tell you without hesitation that I am happier than I have ever been.  It is because of her that I am back into modeling and am resurrecting the Nikki TV show!  Eventually, you may get to know her a little better, but for now just be happy that she is there…lifting my spirits…and getting me back on track.  I sincerely hope you like her images of me…which will only get better as we get the lighting and background perfected!!!

PS:  the above image is not one of hers – it was taken by my friend and main photographer, Tom, who was murdered 5 years ago.

Add a comment April 28, 2018

A Nikki Tanikawa Graphic Novel?

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It has been discussed a number of times that I should have a graphic novel based on my adventures…and I agree!!!!!!  So, if someone wants to team up with me and help make this happen, let me know.  It is time for me to be famous again!!!

Add a comment April 21, 2018

I am Not an Escort!

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As of late I have been contacted by a number of gentlemen seeking escorting services.  I find this very odd as my experimental days were years ago.  So…just in case…I am posting this to firmly declare that I am not an escort!!!  Honestly, these contacts kind of creep me out as there is no reason people should be writing me for my services.  I write back to see who they are and how they found me but typically communication ends quickly…which is even creepier!

Add a comment April 9, 2018

Meet Me in Person!

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After spending several months overseas helping special needs children I have finally returned home.  It was a hard mission…one with many complications and difficult cases.  I sincerely hope that I will be successful in providing adequate aid to at least a few of the children I met.

I have a special request.  I need an iPhone – a used one is perfectly fine.  This is for communication purposes, of course, but also for photographic purposes.  My request is for the charity so your contribution is tax-deductible.  If you have an iPhone which you don’t mind giving away, please contact me immediately at my email address:  The best part is that you can deliver it directly so that you can meet me in person!


Add a comment March 20, 2018

I Will Be Back Soon!!!

NK 7I am leaving for dangerous places once again to help children in need.  This will be a long mission – almost two months – but a meaningful one.  This trip will focus mainly on special needs children in two countries.  As always, I welcome financial support as it is greatly needed.  If you wish to help please Paypal to  On a happy note, I will be taking more photos for you so keep an eye out for them.  See you again very soon!!!

5 comments January 15, 2018

Leaving Once Again

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In less than one month I will be leaving again for another long mission overseas to help children in need.  This particular journey will be multi-national – one of my charity’s first.  Though not particularly dangerous, we must always consider the possibility of harm as we operate primarily in war zones.

On the happy side is that I will be taking new photos at some point in the near future and hope you like them as much as you did the previous set.  I appreciate your continued support and ask that you consider donating to my cause to help the orphaned children of the world.

If you are interested in helping me please send funds to my Paypal account at

PS:  I am still working on bringing my TV show back!

Add a comment December 17, 2017

Another New Photo!

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Apologies for the white washing but we were dealing with a super-yellow light source as well as an ugly background (hospital green).  BUT, it is a new photo and I think it looks awesome!

2 comments November 9, 2017

New Photos!!!


I now have an amazing photographer who will be responsible for all my new images.  It took long enough, right?!  We managed to take a few quick shots but didn’t have enough time to set up at an exciting location with good lighting.  I am happy regardless as it has been way too long since I have been in front of the lens!  Expect more pictures when we have enough time to set up something really amazing!!!

4 comments November 5, 2017

See You Soon!

Nikki 35 26679Okay, everyone!  I am leaving for overseas again but will be back shortly!!!  The best news is that I will have some new photos to post in just a bit!  You’ve waited long enough.  Keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will write you as soon as I get home!

Add a comment October 2, 2017


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In a few weeks I will be departing for the war yet again – this time to do very simple and non-dangerous activities such as teaching.  The following mission, however, will be incredibly dangerous but one worthy of the negative possibilities.  Children are children – no matter where they reside – and if they are in need of help I must be there to provide whatever aid possible.

I thank you again for being my wonderful fans and will be back – I promise.  Before I go I really want to take some new photos, so if you are in the Raleigh area and wish to give your photo talents a shot (and have a home at which I may take said shots) then please contact me at  It is time you saw some new pictures of me!

PS:  Serious inquiries only.


2 comments September 17, 2017

Emergency Appeal for Donations


Showing off…For My Neighbors!

Last week a member of my team was struck by a severe and life-threatening illness which has yet to be diagnosed.  I am unable to leave Ukraine until this person recovers completely and is out of danger for at least a week.  We also must complete our mission work as it is left undone.  I am requesting emergency donations as I am completely unprepared financially for any delays.  Even small donations matter greatly.  I need your help so please send what you can to my PayPal account: Let me know who you are so I can thank you personally!!!!

Add a comment August 14, 2017

Emergency Appeal

I am almost done with my work in Ukraine but we have run too short on funds.  As you recall, I am trying to save the life of a little boy here in the war zone.  If you can spare anything it would be very helpful. My PayPal account is  I thank you in advance for your generosity and helping me make the world a little better!!!LF 3

4 comments August 6, 2017

See You Soon!

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Wish me luck as I am leaving the country to try and save the life of a little boy who has a deadly genetic disease.  When I return I hope that my photographer will be well and can take those long-promised new images of me!!!!!  See you soon and I love you all!!!!!

4 comments July 24, 2017

Back from the East and Returning Again!

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I know that I promised more photos as soon as I returned from Ukraine, but my photographer is in the hospital!!!!  I pray for her speedy recovery.  That being written, I am returning to UA to help a little boy whose life is being threatened by a rare and terrible disease.  The cost of the treatment for this disorder is astronomical, so my hope is to raise awareness and attempt to gain the funds needed to prevent his death.  Before you think about donating, know that the cost is well over $2 million dollars.  I need to access celebrities and get them behind the cause.  This is his only chance.  If you have thoughts I’d love to hear them!!!!  In the meantime, wish me luck and see you all when I return!!!

1 comment July 19, 2017

See You Soon!

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I am leaving for the east and will be back shortly!  Remember – doing good is never easy but right action soothes the soul.  Inner peace is worth more than all the riches in the world.  When I get back I will be posting new photos so keep an eye on my page!  Thank you all for being such great and loyal fans!!!

Add a comment June 3, 2017

Eastward Bound…Again

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I am heading back into the war zone once again to help children in need.  This will be an extended stay so wish me luck!  When I get back I will take new photos (I have a great new artist who will be presenting a completely different look for me) and restart my show!  Stay safe, everyone, and thank you for remaining my loyal fans.  I can’t wait to start writing you more often!!!

Add a comment May 16, 2017

I Am Back!


I have returned from my mission safe and sound. It was great to see the kids again and will continue to endeavor to maintain their safety. Thank you all again for your support of my work!!!!

This photo is from my second professional shoot! I bet most of you don’t remember this one, right? I miss my body then but actually like it a lot more now. I’ll illustrate my point by finally taking those new photos I keep promising!!!

1 comment December 22, 2016

Leaving for the War


I am finally leaving for the war to finish my mission to help the children.  The right and good thing is almost never what you want, but try and do it, anyway.  We need to change the way we do things in order to survive as a species.  I have nothing but am losing my home and car in order to help those in need.  If I think of only myself lives will be lost, and the cycle continues.  So…to inspire you to follow my example…I risk my life and my way of living in order too make a difference.  You don’t have to do what I do, but I ask that you try to do what you can to make the world a little better whenever you can.  If I don’t make it back, spread the word of my work and let’s see if we can make a difference!

Add a comment December 5, 2016

UA Mission is a “Go”!

Nikki art piece

Thanks to my wonderful fans my mission to help children in the UA war zone is a “go.” I purchased the tickets today and will leave in December. It will be extremely dangerous but I will not be there long. Thank you for believing in me and my effort to help children around the world!!!

I still need in-country funds for hotels, train tickets, etc, so if you wish you assist I am still taking donations:

Add a comment November 8, 2016

Slightly Closer to Ukraine


I have had a few donors contribute towards my mission so my goal is a little bit closer.  Thank you so much for your support!!!!!  I truly hope to return to UA before the end of the month.  This is long past the original return date of June 30, but some things cannot be avoided.  Thank you again for your support!!!!

PS:  the photo is just a selfie but was taken just a few months ago.  It is a 15 minute makeup job so please excuse the lack of perfection!!!

Add a comment October 3, 2016

Still Alive!


This is just a selfie but it is new!  I took this earlier this week.  I have scheduled a photo shoot for next week so look forward to some new images at last!!!

1 comment September 28, 2016

Birthday Week!


It’s my birthday week!  Yaaaay!!!  Okay, so I am a year older but also Japanese…and we don’t age quickly – super-happy about that!  Things are moving quickly with the “Nikki and Indi Show” which is a reincarnation of the original “Up Late with Nikki Tanikawa” (photo).  We…with hope…should have our first episode up by Halloween, and plan on doing a new episode every month.  I’ll keep you posted!!!

1 comment September 27, 2016

Time to Go – Win a Date!

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Next  week I want to be back in Ukraine to deliver a special piece of medical equipment which will save many lives.  I have this unit in my possession and now must simply acquire the funds to buy a ticket.  Will you help me reach my goal of $1500?  It is less than the original amount as it isn’t peak travel season, but it is the absolute smallest amount I need to make the mission possible.  My offer for a night out is still valid so contact me if you are interested!  Otherwise, my Paypal account is

Add a comment September 20, 2016

Sponsor the “Nikki and Indi Show”

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Help Indi and I make our show successful by sponsoring an episode!  We plan to shoot an entire season by Christmas – roughly 12 episodes all together.  So, if you have a product or business you’d like to promote, contact us!  Whether it is canned fruit or sex toys we’ll do our best to increase your sales!!!!  Write me directly at:

Add a comment August 23, 2016

Camera and Sound Crew Needed


The “Nikki and Indi Show” needs a reliable, talented camera/sound people.  Though we already have great staff we need a professional crew who have access to equipment and can be available at any time to film our forays into the wonderful world of sex, etc.  If you are interested please contact us directly at  Until we start making money these positions will be voluntary.

Add a comment August 23, 2016

Still Looking for Support for my Mission


Help me Help the Children

Despite the fact that I have received several donations I am still well short of my $2200 goal.  This is an absolute figure – anything less and I cannot deliver the medical equipment needed by the children’s hospital.  Remember – my offer of a real date is very sincere.  Protecting the children of the world is my most important endeavor and I will not stop trying until my goal is reached.  I thank you in advance for your help!!!

PS:  Your donation is tax-deductible.  Additionally, airline miles are perfectly acceptable!


Add a comment August 23, 2016

The Nikki Show is Definitely Back!

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“Up Late with Nikki Tanikawa” is definitely coming back!  Joining me will be the amazingly beautiful Indi, who will be my co-host.  The new show will be called “The Nikki and Indi Show” and will continue following the same path as the original program…except better.  Each episode will be roughly 15 minutes long and will feature forays into the wonderful work of sex and other topics of interest.  We hope to start shooting this Fall.  I’ll keep you posted on our progress!!!

Add a comment August 23, 2016

Do You Have an Extra Car, by Chance?

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In pursuing my goal of making the world better…in this particular case arranging surgery for a child with a life-threatening spinal condition…I have driven my poor car into the ground.  I cannot do my good deeds without a vehicle and am digging myself into a financial grave with rental fees.  If you have a spare car which you would not mind loaning out for an indefinite period of time I will gladly spend a great deal of time with you so you can get to know my wacky, exciting world.  Plus, you have the knowledge that I will be doing good because of your help.  Contact me directly if you can assist:

PS:  Do you recognize this photo?  It was for the first advertisement of my show, “Up Late with Nikki Tanikawa”!  A show which, by the way, I am bringing back!!!!


Add a comment August 7, 2016

Help Me Help the Children of Ukraine

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Pretending to cook!

As you know I am very much involved in protecting the people…especially the mentally ill and children.  Many times I have gone into the war zones of Ukraine to help with evacuation, teach on matters regarding explosive dangers, and…most recently…deliver life-saving medical equipment to hospitals near or inside hostile territory.

I have offered a date with anyone who can provide the funds I need in order to make an emergency trip to deliver a device to a children’s hospital which will undoubtedly save lives.  This must happen and it must happen soon.  Your support means the world to me and especially to those in need, for their lives depend on it.

I ask again if anyone will be generous enough to ensure the success of my mission.  The total needed is $2200 – 1200 for the ticket and 1000 for in-country expenses.  Airline points are perfectly acceptable.

I am revealing a lot about myself in these posts, but I trust that the value of my endeavors are important enough to ensure that you keep my charity safe by not mentioning who I am to anyone.  Many of my supporters would not understand my lifestyle and as such may stop assisting.  But I accept this possibility in order to do what must be done.  Thank you for always being so supportive and I love you all!!!

Add a comment August 7, 2016

Still Waiting for My Date!

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I am still waiting for a donor to fund my emergency mission to Ukraine in order to deliver a life-saving piece of equipment to a hospital in need.  The total is 2200.  I understand that this may be an expensive date but you will be saving lives, and that means a lot more than just a night out with me.  I am willing to split the cost between the airline ticket (1200) and in-country expenses (1000).  This way the financial burden will be evenly divided between two people.  I hope this helps.  Contact me at to discuss moving forward with this fun and important endeavor!!!

Add a comment July 20, 2016

Win a Date with Nikki!

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I need $2,200 to personally deliver a life-saving piece of medical equipment to a children’s hospital overseas in the next few weeks.  If you are willing to support my mission then I will go out with you on an honest-to-goodness date for the night!  Saving lives is my most important endeavor and this device will protect many children from suffering and death, so you know that your funding will be used for a very good cause!  Contact me directly at

PS:  Only the date winner will get the full details of the mission and expenditures.


Add a comment July 12, 2016

The Return of “Up Late with Nikki Tanikawa”?


As you may recall, I had a little internet show called “Up Late with Nikki Tanikawa” which had one episode under its belt before my ex befell her illness.  Many of you have encouraged me to bring it back and I am seriously considering this as a possibility.  I’ll want the new episodes to focus on interesting people and places in North Carolina and Virginia, but the entire world is open to exploration!  And yes, the topics will mostly be about sex.  I will need a new production team and camera crew so let me know if you are interested in joining us.  I’ll keep you posted on developments!


Add a comment July 11, 2016

Back to Ukraine!

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First, my promise of new photos has not been forgotten so hang in there.  It has been a busy summer with all of my charity work and domination sessions but I will definitely find the time to take a few professional shots.

Second, my 4th mission to Ukraine is being prepared so I will keep you posted.  I was supposed to be in-country by now but a patient for whom I arranged surgery is arriving shortly and that obviously takes precedence.  So, the new departure date for my mission will be sometime in the fall.  The objective is to continue teaching children about landmines as well as to provide medical aid to people in combat areas.

If you wish to support my work you are welcome to do so via Paypal (, but of critical importance is to spread the word about the severity of the conflict and that the people of Ukraine need our help.  No one remembers that there is a war in Europe because our media likes to corral our attention.  People are dying by the hundreds and thousands, and you can speak for them by sharing photos and videos (of which there are plenty).  Or…if you wish…you can join me on the front line, brave the bullets, and tell the story of the people through your own interviews.







Add a comment June 7, 2016

Photo Shoot Scheduled!


As I promised, if you helped support my missions to protect the children of Ukraine I would start taking new photos as a show of appreciation.  Many of you have done precisely this so I am now booked for my first photo shoot since 2012!  Thank you for always being such loyal and caring fans!!!




1 comment May 14, 2016

I Am Back and Need Your Help!

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Actually, I have been back for a while but have been super-busy getting caught up with bills and making good on promises to care for sick children I met.

It was a very exciting, dangerous, and soul affirming mission. Many lives are protected due to my work and many children whom would have gone without notice are now being looked at as potential aid recipients. It was totally worth the time and effort.

In regard to needs which must be met, I ask of you,my wonderful fans, if any of you have a hearing amplifier – a good one – you can donate. For this you will have earned a date with me!!!

I also am in great need of equipment which will aid in the growth and physical well-being of many children with cerebral palsy. I am willing to take any good-quality piece worth shipping.

Finally, I am preparing for another mission in June to deliver any donations you give. Financial donations will be gladly accepted as I will need it for airline tickets, living expenses, etc.

If the response is good then I will set aside time for a new photo shoot before I go! I have a new photographer – you have seen some of her work – and I will finally give you something pretty at which to look. Deal?

A date with me…just to be clear…will be a nice, stress-free dinner at my tiny little home. It isn’t the greatest of date options but my time is limited. At least you get to meet me!!!!

About the above photo: I remember when this was taken by my old photographer, Tom. It is apt as he died a few years ago – killed by a drunk driver. This was at his old home. I miss him every day.

For donation questions contact me at:


Add a comment April 23, 2016

A Million Memories

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I began this journey a long time ago (thank goodness I don’t age). The message I had from the beginning is to always be willing to challenge boundaries, live free, explore as much as possible, and be yourself. I am a firm believer that life is WAY too short to spend it doing a lot of boring, meaningless activities – LIVE and LIVE BIG. Tomorrow may come at any moment so don’t leave yourself any room to look back and ask, “what if?”

Next week may very well be my last on earth. Sad, but quite possible. I am going into a combat area to help children, which a noble mission. If I meet my end I know I am okay because I am doing the right and good thing, as well as the fact that I have left virtually no stone left unturned. Maybe you can’t go as far as I have, but at least play a little and enjoy your time while you are able. Seriously – why not?

Finally, it is very important to reiterate my message that it doesn’t matter what you do for a living – as long as you are making the world a better place you are doing good. Do everything you can to help each other and remember to smile and hug a LOT – that one smile you give may save someone who has given up. And protect those with mental disabilities – they need your acceptance and love, not special treatment!

I love you all and believe in each and every one of you. See you soon with some new photos!!!

Add a comment February 19, 2016

Hi Everyone!!!

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I am back (and yes, this is an old photo – maybe 3 years ago – but it is one of my favorites)!  Interesting thing – once I stopped taking my anti-depressants I stopped being depressed!  Go figure.

Well, my hello is a short one as I am leaving for Ukraine next week to teach children about landmines as well as do some minor medical work.  I will be back, I promise!  If you wish to support my mission just write me and I will tell you how to forward funds.  No matter what you will be helping save lives – theirs and/or mine!

Since I am mo longer depressed I am finally getting back into modeling!  I will absolutely take and new photos when I return.  In the meantime please stay well and see you soon!!!

Nikki Tanikawa


1 comment February 17, 2016

Flickr Photos