I’m Here for You!

September 8, 2013 sexyknees

Nikki 1

I apologize for not being as attentive to my blog as I had once been.  As you know, my significant other has been suffering from a severe mental illness which began to get much worse over the past 4 months.  She has required almost all of my attention, which has made it difficult to maintain my momentum on modeling, promoting my book, working on my show, and other endeavors which you have all enjoyed following.  Not to worry!  My girlfriend is getting proper medical attention, which means all will be back on track as soon as she returns.

As I have mentioned before, mental illness is no different than any other disease.  It may be scary, especially if you are unprepared to deal with it, but it is definitely manageable and something which need not disrupt your life.  Medication has improved so much in recent years that those with formerly incapacitating disorders such as schizophrenia can now enjoy normal, productive lives.

Lifestyle is definitely an issue and should you or your significant other have a mental disorder you may wish to examine how your daily activities may be structured to make accommodating it easier.  For instance, I have been working hard on getting my home and schedule arranged so that my girlfriend will have a more comfortable and less stressful environment.  Yes, changing the way you live for the betterment of a loved one may be disruptive, but it is definitely worth the effort if it helps him/her get healthy.

Special emphasis must be paid to ridding your home of illegal substances as this is almost always detrimental – many who suffer from mental illness tend to self-medicate.  Eliminating exposure increases the chance that treatment will be successful.  I know that this may be hard, but it can me done.  Whether it be through such wonderful support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or – if you aren’t ready to quit – by simply going elsewhere to have your fun, a drug-free environment will go far in helping your loved one get his/her life back on track.

As you know, I entered into my lifestyle both intentionally and with a plan – everything I’ve experienced was done by choice to learn, explore, and enjoy.  I realize, however, that my methodology is uncommon.  That being said, whether by accident or design my wisdom is relevant to most problems and issues, and I am here to help you with anything.  I am focusing on mental health a lot simply because it is something with which I am currently involved, but I am with you and willing to discuss anything you wish.  Please call on me – I am here for you!!!

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10 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Raoel  |  September 8, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    Sweet lovley Nikki, i wish you much succes with your gfriend, thanks that you share in your worries, at home, if I can help you, just let know, your friend and admirer from Holland

    • 2. sexyknees  |  September 8, 2013 at 8:02 pm

      Thank you so very much, Raoel. I very much appreciate your offer to help. It has been hard – much harder than anyone knows. Her friends and family see her only a few times a month – I am with her 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week so I get the full brunt of her disorder. Mental illness is amazingly draining and destructive for all, and for this reason I feel it is very important that I share my experiences to let people know that they are not alone. However, it is survivable for both the one who suffers from a mental disorder as well as their loved ones. Again, thank you!!!

      • 3. Raoel  |  September 8, 2013 at 9:30 pm

        dear Nikki, thanks for your reply , but may be we can chat also on Skype, if you want of cource,, and no thanks , therefore we are Flirck friends , in good and bad times 🙂

      • 4. sexyknees  |  September 12, 2013 at 1:47 pm

        Thank you, Raoel! When my s/o returns I will be happy to Skype with you.

      • 5. Raoel  |  September 12, 2013 at 5:40 pm

        Dear Nikky 🙂 thanks , it will be realy nice to chat with you , where can i send , min Skype id, have you an e-mail adres ? ,
        send you now, an friend hug 🙂

      • 6. sexyknees  |  September 16, 2013 at 1:07 pm

        Hi Raoel! I don’t use Skype but you can always email me at my primary address: sexyknees18@hotmail.com

  • 7. patrick nelson  |  September 12, 2013 at 1:29 am

    thats ok nikki we still love you

    • 8. sexyknees  |  September 12, 2013 at 1:46 pm

      Thank you, Patrick!!!

  • 9. Bill FC  |  September 16, 2013 at 4:11 am

    Nikki, Taking care of a loved one is the most important thing. Just remember that we are here for you also. Just give a shout, some of us are not too far as to not hear your call 🙂

    • 10. sexyknees  |  September 16, 2013 at 1:06 pm

      Thank you so very, very much, Bill. I really needed to hear that. It is amazing how utterly alone a person can feel during such tragedies. Just knowing that may fans care about me and that they are here for me makes me feel much better. Thank you!!!

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